Effortlessly Backing Up Paperless-ngx with Cloudflare, rclone, and Docker

07.03.2024 | Marc Horst | Allgemein, Programmierung

In the digital age, data backup is a non-negotiable part of managing any document management system. For those of us relying on the efficiency and organizational prowess of Paperless-ngx, ensuring our data is safe and recoverable is paramount. I’ve devised a seamless backup solution that utilizes the power of Cloudflare’s rclone and Docker, guaranteeing peace of mind and data security. Here’s a detailed look into my approach, which is applicable not just for Paperless-ngx but for any data stored on R2 storage. (https://www.cloudflare.com/developer-platform/r2/, Pricing: https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/developer-platform/ (10GB/Month for free))

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